Page 45 - KAPPA Brochure September 2012

Shale gas, shale oil and CBM
Analytical horizontal multifrac models
Numerical non-linear model
KAPPA Unconventional Resources Consortium (KURC)
KAPPA is the first to admit it does not have all the
answers. Nobody has.
Unconventional Resource modeling is a key R&D
focus for KAPPA. Currently available in the suite are
both analytical and numerical horizontal fractured
well models. The latter includes adaptive superfine
gridding and non-linearity. However, to believe that
what exists now is the model on which to base all
future predictions would be foolish.
Research is underway in partnership with more
than twenty of the major OPCOs and Service
Companies in the KAPPA Unconventional Resources
Consortium (KURC). This is a not-for-profit group
that has brought together the best experience and
practise in the industry to move the development of
tools forward and test them against real data as it
becomes available. Membership of the consortium
brings a three-year exclusivity on developments.
Unconventional Resources occur in ultra-tight formations in which we need
to create a large interface area by massive fracing. Simultaneously the PVT
behaviour is exotic with extreme pressure gradients and compressibility
changes. ‘All’ the industry needs to do is model these mechanisms to
accurately book reserves and predict production.